Theme: Nano – small things matter


"It involves the building of a labyrinth of nano-based channels that have specific traffic regulations for protein filaments."

Using nanotechnology to create parallel computers

Nanotechnology an be used to create a biological computer that can solve certain mathematical problems far faster and more energy-efficiently than conventional electrical computers. Conventional computers have contributed to major advances for society over the past few decades, but have a weakness: they can only do one thing at a...

Nanowires could make cars more energy-efficient

Fuel consumption in cars could be reduced thanks to nanowires and a thermoelectric effect. This is what emerges from the basic research conducted by Sofia Fahlvik Svensson, a doctoral student at the Division for Solid State Physics in Lund University’s Faculty of Engineering. This autumn, she will be publicly defending...

Artificial cell membranes are formed along vertical nanowires. Image: Aleksandra Dabkowska

Nano-forests to reveal secret of cells

Vertical nanowires could be used for detailed studies of what happens on the surface of cells. The findings are important for pharmaceuticals research, among other applications. A group of researchers from Lund University in Sweden have managed to make artificial cell membranes form across a large number of vertical nanowires,...


What will NanoMAX mean for research on the nanoscale?

NanoMAX is the flagship beamline for the recently opened MAX IV in Lund, showcasing the full potential of the ring and introducing a variety of new tools for many different research communities in Sweden. In May 2016 the first “light” started to shine into the NanoMAX beamline. What can researchers...